Šumava – GABRETA

Šumava. A green ocean waving in gusts of wind. Under the crowns of tens of metres high coniferous and deciduous trees, fascinating structures are hidden. Hidden even by their location from the eyes of ordinary tourists, on the hilltops.

Beneath a thick layer of plant remains, traps of stone seas lurk at the feet of curious tourists and determined explorers, scattered around oddly shaped rock masses.
Remnants of collapsed buildings or their foundations of artificially formed rock protrude from the tabletops of the hills or stretch along the highest ridges.

Beyond the outer boundary of the horizontal surfaces, there is emptiness. In front of the foot, the edge suddenly drops to a depth of ten metres. Perpendicular to the ground, a rock wall rushes down, smooth and straight cut.

A straight and smooth cut through the rock wall, or rather a proto-polygonal weave of stone building blocks?! Bulový complex, Blanský les, Brloh.

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