If we look from the Giant Castle over the northern rampart far into the countryside, towards the horizon, we cannot see its sister hillfort Sedlo. In the extension of this line, Kašperk Castle rises uncompromisingly into the field of view. On a high rocky hill. This invites reflection and imagination about other rock structures, from much earlier times, which may have shared its site.
The ascent to Sedlo on the southern slope offers an atmosphere of mystery, in the present moment. After the misty clouds have lifted, a wide, rising terrain covered with what appear to be buried, collapsed rock structures appears. The forward fortifications, however, are clearly discernible. Perhaps some parts have slid down the slope. The rock blocks look massive, but they may not be connected to the bedrock. After all, this is where construction was carried out using rock-forming techniques. Walls and other stone structures were built. But their purpose and original form are almost indecipherable.